Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Hi! The inspiration for this blog has many roots, but primarily I'd like to thank two primary impetuses: the children's book "Alvin Fernald: Superweasel" and self-indulgence born out of habit.

Alvin Fernald: Superweasel is a children's book starring Alvin, the young son of the town's police chief. The series details is escapades in various areas of life with Superweasal being the one that captured my heart and, at an early age, turned my mind towards taking care of Mother Earth.

Self-indulgence, both my own and others is the other primary impetus for writing this blog. Life is a series of habits strung together. How we interact with the environment is no different. Wearing t-shirts year 'round and then using energy-guzzuling space heaters to keep warm is a blatant misuse of the earth's resources. Sure, there's many more out there even on larger scale for sure, but this blog is about the things we do on a personal level every day. Take a look at your daily habits. What can you change to conserve energy and natural resources?


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